Winds have been a predominant way of travel dating back centuries. Here on the Adriatic, we believe it remains the best way to see and experience the magic of Croatia.
In this modern age of ever-evolving technology, winds haven't changed. They are still our best ally, and at times, our worst enemy. As a mode of travel, sailing has embraced emerging technologies to become a sophisticated, unique and pleasurable way to take advantage of the wind and enjoy passage to coastal destinations.
Some of the most unforgettable coastal destinations are found in Croatia, a country surrounded by mountains and positioned like a big lake in the center of Europe – making it a world-class playground for wind enthusiasts. It's unique coastline, together with its thousands of islands (1,200+), stretches over more than 6,000 kilometers.
The most commonly experienced winds on the Adriatic are:
Maestral (Mistral; eng): With their cooling effects, the maestral winds played an evident role in the architectural plans of the Dalmatian coastline. These winds blow NW to W, starting before noon and reaching their peak in the early afternoon before dying down at sunset. This aspect alone makes this type of wind a favorite amongst sailors. The end of summer maestral winds signal the beginning of jugo winds and inclement weather.
Jugo (sirocco; it): A gusty SE wind with low pressure and high moisture, a jugo wind most frequently results in stormy rains and big waves. General conditions brought on by these winds historically put the townspeople in gloomy spirits. In fact, during ancient times, the entire Republic of Dubrovnik would shut down during the time jugo winds blew. Even the court would close, abstaining from making decisions. Fortunately, once the clouds part and the storms end, the much-anticipated bura winds begin to blow.
Bura (Boora; it): A NE wind descending from the mountains toward the open sea, the bura wind brings clear but cold air with it. During the winter season, gusts of bura can double the Beaufort scale, reaching up to 250 km per hour. Burin, a member of the bura family that means “diminutive,” is a refreshing twilight summer breeze that blows mainly from the NE, chasing and propelling sailors on long summer evenings. Not to be outdone, the tramuntana winds typically follow.
Tramuntana (vertus Transmontanus; lat): The Latin translation of tramuntana is literally – “the wind coming over the mountains”. The tramuntana wind originates from the north strait and is quite similar to bura. The gusts, however, are amplified, giving it more strength and stability. Sailors generally prefer it to the bura wind because tramuntana wind is warmer and – most importantly – an unmistakable indicator of clear weather ahead.
Can you hear the wind calling?
Come join us and feel the wind while you fall in love with the Adriatic Sea. When sailing the tame clear waters, you will marvel at the simple beauty, diverse nature and storied history of Croatia!